Firepit Safety

Fire Pit Safety

Fire Pits are a cosy and warm addition to any garden, however, there are a few things to consider when it comes to safety. That’s why below we’ll be teaching you how you can safely and effectively use your fire pit.

Safely Position Your Fire Pit

The first part of using your fire pit safely begins with its position. You want to position your fire pit so that you have plenty of room to move around safely. One way of doing this is by putting it in the middle of your patio or a similar open area with non-combustible flooring. Though if you do put it near something, then make sure it isn’t combustible and isn’t directly touching the fire pit. You also want to position it so that it is away from your home or any other structure that could be damaged by the heat.

Combustible items, such as grass, hedges or trees should be kept at a distance from the fire pit, this includes combustibles that might be hanging over the fire pit as well, even items that aren’t combustible will end up stained by the smoke over time. And you should not light a fire pit under a gazebo or other enclosed areas, where smoke can build up. Also, take care with the surface beneath a fire pit if it does not have legs.

Keep An Eye On The Surroundings

Another essential thing to remember is to check the wind direction before lighting the fire pit, to avoid the situation where smoke could be blowing into those around it. It is also worth having something nearby to quickly extinguish the fire. Whether that is a bucket of water, a fire extinguisher or a garden hose.

It is important to keep an eye out on people moving around the fire that need extra supervision, such as children and animals. They must be kept away from the fire if you or someone else is unable to supervise them. It is also handy to have a first aid kid nearby if any cuts or burns were to occur.

Choose What To Burn Wisely

When lighting a fire, don’t light a wood fire using accelerants such as lighter fluid, alcohol, etc. As these can be harmful to your health and cause damage to your fire pit. When using a match to light a fire, dispose of it after making sure it is completely extinguished. Start you fire by using a base of kindling and natural firelighters.

It is now illegal to burn wood that is too wet in the UK (over 20% moisture content), make sure the wood you are burning is Kiln dried logs, or similar logs with a low moisture content. They should be Woodsure Approved, and listed on the “Ready To Burn” scheme. Other materials such as plastic and rubbish should also be kept away from your fire pit. As they can release toxic fumes when burnt and cause damage to your fire pit.

Check For Faults

When using a gas fire pit it is important to check to make sure there are no leaks from the gas source to the fire pit, before lighting the fire. Keep the fire area clear of any litter and make sure the pipes and burners themselves are clean. Do not use any flammables to light your gas fire pit.

You should also check your wood burning fire pits for any cracks or serious stress to the metal. As these can pose safety risks and will become worse over time until the fire pit is unusable.

Finally, checking your smoke detectors are working is a good habit to have in general but it’s even more important if you are actively using a source of open fire. 

Following all these steps will lead to a much safer and more enjoyable experience. If you find yourself wanting or needing to learn more about the best practises when burning solid fuels or lots of other topics, then check out our wide range of high quality articles.